Patrick M. DaPra


My Bio

Mr. DaPra joined The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse in October 2010. He has more than thirty -five years of diverse energy industry experience mainly with small independent exploration and production companies. Prior to co-founding Proven Divestment Services, LLC, Mr. DaPra was the Vice-President – Negotiated Transactions at Oil & Gas asset Clearinghouse and was instrumental in closing approximately $650 million in negotiated transactions.

Prior to joining Clearinghouse, Mr. DaPra was the Manager of Business Development at ERG Resources, L.LC. Prior to ERG, he was Managing Director at Moyes & Co., Inc. Mr. DaPra actively assisted clients with operating agreements, purchase and sale agreements, lease agreements and various contract interpretations. Preceding Moyes, Mr. DaPra was Managing Director of Cambrian Capital Corporation where he was responsible for the development of oil and gas assets and monitoring loans for compliance.

He worked for various independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the accounting and finance areas. Mr. DaPra holds a BBA Degree in Finance from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

My Timeline

2019 – Pres
Proven Divestment Services.

2010 – 2019
The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse.

2007 – 2010
ERG Resources, LLC

2006 – 2007
Moyes & Company.

2004 – 2006

1996 – 2004
Cambrian Capital Corporation.

1989 – 1996
Energy Development Corporation.

1988 – 1989
Columbia Gas System Service Corp.

1987 – 1988
Ensource, LLC

1986 – 1987
Crown Central Petroleum Corporation.

1984 – 1986
Howell Petroleum Corproaration.

My Skills

Strategic Business Planning
Oil & Gas Development plans
Interpreting complex Contracts
Analysis of Debt and Equity Instruments
Joint Venture Agreements
Confidentiality Agreements
Purchase and Sales Agreements
Production Sharing Contracts